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Momentera is pleased to announce Unhacked 3.0 an International Interdisciplinary Conference on Cybercrimes and Cyberattacks to be held from February 10 - 12, 2025 in Vienna, Austria. At Unhacked, we connect people and drive their business forward, our vision is to craft a series of high-impact, custom keynote presentations with exclusive insights from industry experts. Our goal is to provide you with every opportunity to connect and interact with the industry’s best and brightest minds.

Hear from industry leaders thinking differently, engage with world-class technology leaders openly sharing business-technology strategies and innovation, reshaping the customer experience. The conference is designed to highlight the excellent work being conducted by academics, cybersecurity practitioners, and law enforcement to secure cyberspace and protect the public. This event also qualifies for CPE credit.

Location Vienna, Austria

Vienna is the capital, most populous city, and one of nine federal states of Austria. It lies in the northeastern corner of Austria, between the foothills of the Alps and the Carpathians, where the Danube, Europe’s second longest river, has cut its course through the mountains. The city is situated alongside the river, most of it on the right bank. The Vienna basin was a nodal point of ancient trade and military routes. It linked north and south along the amber route that ran southward from the Baltic and linked east and west along the Danube. Strategically, Vienna commands the surrounding regions, which include sections of Austria’s border with Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary.

Vienna offers a blend of imperial traditions, music, and endearing charm. A city that inspires with the old and the new alike, and always has a cosy place available in a coffee house or wine tavern.If you sit on the nearby Kahlenberg mountain and look down on Vienna, you will see what a fascinating collage this city is. There are green, rolling vineyards, and then there are the magnificent, imperial buildings Vienna is known for. After all, Vienna is a city where world history was written for half a millennium. Art history, as well.


  The CISO Circle
  Cybersecurity Leadership
  Infrastructure Security & Operations
  Application & Data Security
  Cyber & IT Risk
  Technical Insights for Security Practitioners
  Cloud and Mobile Security
  Data and Network Security
  Critical Infrastructure Protection
  Moving to an agile security program
  Interdisciplinary research topics especially those with psychology, law, business, criminology and wider sociology subjects
  Developing security-conscious work cultures that are human focused
  Mitigating Risk Ownership
  Blockchain and distributed ledger technology
  Socio-technical aspects of cryptocurrencies
  Privacy-preserving computing
  Privacy-aware computing
  Homomorphic Encryption
  Cryptographic Obfuscation
  Post-quantum cryptography
  Cloud Forensics
  AI security such as adversarial machine learning
  Security and privacy in online social networks
  Security and privacy in fog or edge computing
  New human-centric (human-in-the-loop) cyber security solutions
  New applications of the above technologies
  Cryptographic applications in cloud computing and Internet of things
  Simplifying cybersecurity mesh architecture

Momentera and Toolswatch are excited to announce a new partnership aimed at further advancing the cybersecurity industry. As part of this partnership, we are proud to announce the creation of a dedicated area for demoing security tools, called “Armory”, it will be presented over two days and is a space for developers to showcase the latest open-source tools and products with the attendees. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with others in the community, learn about new cutting-edge research, and strengthen their security toolkits. Different tools will be showcased across multiple days, including brand new tools, making it an exciting and informative experience for all attendees.

Listen to the Previous & Current Speakers

Richard Starnes

Richard Starnes

CCS, Six Degrees

David Meece

David Meece

Founder, CyberTech Dave

Mohamed Hamed

Mohamed Hamed

CTO - Ceramica Platino

Ravinder Arora

Ravinder Arora

CISO & DPO - Infogain

Pierre Noel

Pierre Noel

Cyber Security & Privacy Practitioner

Nditah Samweld

Nditah Samweld

CTO - Peace Mass Transit

Dr. Sybe Izaak Rispens

Dr. Sybe Izaak Rispens

CISO - Trade Republic Bank

Michael Krausz

Michael Krausz

CEO - I.S.C. Group

Nir Chervoni

Nir Chervoni

Head Data Security - Booking.com

Ira Winkler

Ira Winkler

Field CISO and Vice President - CYE

Carlos Valderrama

Carlos Valderrama

Trainer - SECO Institute

Abdulrahman Al-Nimari

Abdulrahman Al-Nimari

VP, Cyber Security

Yota Trom

Yota Trom

Coach. Founder. Speaker

Azeem Bashir

Azeem Bashir

CIO-CISO, Governmental Advisor

Manal Hussain Al Balushi

Manal Hussain Al Balushi

Risk & Compliance Specialist

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